Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Influence Of Income On Health - 852 Words

Did you know that the income of a person has little effect on his or her health? As Marmot explains in his scholarly article, â€Å"The Influence of Income on Health: Views of An Epidemiologist,† health is not greatly affected by the income of an individual, but rather the kind of community and the environment he or she lives in. He explains and provides statistics on many distinct perspectives on how people may think that income influences health, including ignorance versus poor conditions, poverty and health relationship, and poverty and inequality. Marmot believes that there are two sides to the argument on how Income influences health. Many may argue that no matter what your income is, if you have clean water to drink and a clean place to live in and proper nutrition, then once the water is clean, having a high or low income won’t make any differences. On the other hand, he explains how poverty influences health and provides the readers with facts and statistic to s upport his claims. Moreover, Glazer, in her article â€Å"Wealth and Inequality† examines a difference point of view on the same topic that Marmo dealt with. Glazer states the liberals and conservatives view points on inequality. She explains how the conservatives believe that we should not tax the rich people more because they are the ones who create jobs for the middle class, whereas the liberals believe that the new era that is emerging is the new Gilded Age. Marmot’s scholarly article is examining the ideas thatShow MoreRelatedDeterminants Of Health And Health Of Canada Essay1394 Words   |  6 PagesDeterminants of health are specific categories in a person s life which impact their mental and physical health. 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