Thursday, August 27, 2020

Evidence-Based Pharmacology Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Proof Based Pharmacology - Research Paper Example Pneumonia is a malady that demonstrates towards the fiery state of lungs. It tends to be additionally expounded that the contamination in the lung tissue is view as a condition of pneumonia. During the assaults of pneumonia, a lung doesn't work appropriately that is probably going to cause hazard on the wellbeing of concerned individual. Individuals are influenced by pneumonia because of an enormous quantities of reasons, for example, microscopic organisms, infections, growths, idiopathic just as parasites. In such manner, the conclusion of pneumonia is alluded to as noteworthy for the giving a viable treatment to the patients. Pneumonia can be analyzed by assessing the side effects and indications of an intense lower respiratory tract disease. Plus, the indication of pneumonia can likewise be distinguished through a chest X-beam that that is viable in analyzing any sort of diseases (Lutfiyya, Henley, Chang and Reyburn, 2008). At first the treatment of Community-obtained Pneumonia (CAP) reliant on the physical assessment, lab results just as attributes of patients. Nonetheless, the treatment of pneumonia has distinguished the need of hospitalization for clinical guide. There are two sorts of pneumonia treatment process that are outpatient and inpatient treatment. In particular, referencing that the treatment of the ailments is exceptionally relying on kinds of pneumonia. The clinical practitioner’s recommend patients to expend anti-toxins for rewarding pneumonia adequately (Caballero and Rello, 2011).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

English 2 †Literary Response Free Essays

My Singular Irene Literature is, according to me, a way to pundit society and people or the manner in which the world is carrying on. Scholars of Literature compose writing to give another method of seeing things that may be not quite the same as our perspective. As such, scholars use apparatuses of writing story like: imagery, perspective to help them is making the writing story to be all the more energizing and clear to us, the peruser. We will compose a custom paper test on English 2 †Literary Response or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now The creator encourages us to see the fragility or other awful deeds and beneficial things about this life in this world as we only here and there observe those things with our own eyes. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings and My Singular Irene is an excellent model for this writing perusing, since it is exceptionally wealthy in writing idea and gadgets, similar to: imagery or perspective. The primary character in this story is supposed to be estranged, curbed and quieted in the story. I will demonstrate this announcement by retelling the primary concern on the story that underpins this announcement. An exceptionally elderly person alludes to an old blessed messenger that is thrown shorewards into earth as a result of failure to stay aware of the overwhelming precipitation. e can see that the blessed messenger is estranged from models that indicated this announcement, for example, : †They found the entire neighborhood before the chicken coop playing around with the heavenly attendant, without the smallest reference, hurling him things to eat through the openings in the wire as though he weren’t a powerful animal yet a bazaar creature. †(Gabriel Garc ia Marquez 36). the heavenly attendant is distanced in light of the fact that It is dealt with uniquely in contrast to the others. The others are playing around with the heavenly attendant instead of associating with the holy messenger. The blessed messenger is additionally subdued and quieted. There is a citation that shows this announcement: â€Å"Pelayo watch over him throughout the evening from the kitchen, equipped with his Bailiff’s club, and before hitting the sack he hauled him out of the mud and bolted him up with the hens in the wire chicken coop. †(Gabriel Garcia-Marquez 36). From this announcement, we can infer that the heavenly attendant is â€Å"caged† from it’s opportunity and its opportunity is quelled by the confined that Pelayo given it, in this way the holy messenger is quieted from the opportunity. My Singular Irene is likewise a genuine model for this writing perusing. Irene is presumed to be distanced is valid in this story. Irene is dealt with uniquely in contrast to others. From the story we realize that Ilene’s spouse( the principal individual view in the story) disengaged Irene from the outside world by purchasing Irene pricey â€Å"stuff† to draw Irene to remain in the house disconnected from the outside world. Irene is likewise aphoristic to be quelled and hushed. We know from the story that Irene is considered as a â€Å"thing† to her better half, since her significant other needs Irene to act like he needs. Along these lines, so as to fulfill his sense of self, Irene is repressed and quieted by numerous ways, as: not permitting Irene to go to the outside world, restricting guests to meet Irene. Irene as well, similar to the Angel is obliged from opportunity. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings and My Singular Irene are a case of story that has an image of contemporary estrangement and triumph over it. To start with, I am going to communicate about A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings. The heavenly attendant in the story is estranged or make detached. It is gotten from the conduct of the individuals that found the heavenly attendant. It is dealt with like negligible products than divine figure. In this way, the facts demonstrate that it is a contemporary distance. Later in the story, we realize that the holy messenger has his most valuable apparatus that can take him back to his celestial status. That instrument is its wings, when its wings develops back, he quickly jumped up to the sky and applauded its wings and fly to the skyline of opportunity. The holy messenger is presumed to be a triumph over distance. Second, My Singular Irene is likewise an image of distance. Irene is additionally made antagonistic like the heavenly attendant. She is detached or â€Å"caged† by her better half; there is a fascinating point with regards to this story in my perspective. To me, Irene appeared to be stunned or not a living thing. The writer composes the story so that us, perusers, gets the distance subject in the story. Irene is likewise considered as a triumph over estrangement. There is a citation from the story: Horrifying! Irene changed into an unpleasant butterfly! I stood up and fell once more, feeble at this point. She would leave me; she would take off and leave me. The huge Irene Butterfly grinned at me, decreased, and vanished with the others. I am at the site of the occasions, hanging tight for Irene’s return. She has no arrival. She can't deny me the harmony that her organization consistently offered me. (AlmAnzar, JosE AlcAntara 45) From this citation, I decipher it that Irene’s opportunity does likewise mean she has a higher status in the relationship with her significant other at this point. What I implied by higher status of relationship is the one that consistently attempt to get the relationship moving is the one that has a lower status, for this situation, her significant other. Irene’s triumph over estrangement is communicated by the creator of Irene change into the most wonderful butterfly that can fly anyplace it needs. It is extremely intriguing that these two stories have a comparable thing. The two of them characterize opportunity by flying leaving what ties their approach to opportunity. The accompanying passage beneath recounts to a tale about human requirements for individual flexibility and network. There is unquestionably no contention in this world that can be utilized to resist human requirements for mingling and individual flexibility. Human consistently search out an approach to snatch that opportunity. Realm falls, realm rises, Leader of a group kicks the bucket, and professional killer was conceived. These models are made as a result of the need to acquire and keep up individual flexibility and the capacity to discuss unreservedly with networks of decision. There is a fascinating story underneath those discussions about human’s want for individual freedom. This story is about the battle of African-American people group in the United States to acquire their privilege of individual flexibility and human requirements for sociality. US otherwise called the place where there is the free and the fearless has been notable for its opportunity. It has a ton to offer, for example, the ability to speak freely, the option to work, and so forth. In any case, rather than those things, there is a little contest inside this extraordinary nation in the period of bondage. African American is the objective for this issue. African American showed up in the United States as Indentured Servants by means of Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. They could gain their alleged â€Å"personal freedom† by functioning as slave to their picked ace. As time passes by, the other greater part in the United States made a lead for slaves called â€Å"Slaves Codes†. This Slave Codes obliged African American in the Unites States from their freedom. They fought for it until the Majority pushes another cruel principle for any slaves that ignore its lords. Starting here, we can see human’s requirements for individual flexibility. Human battles for opportunity gambling all that they had, similar to: their lives, treasure, family members. There is likewise an account of a president that battle for part of his citizen’s requirements for individual flexibility, his name was Abraham Lincoln. He was a rancher kid that conceived Feb. 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. His folks were both conceived in Virginia. Abraham was notable for his quality and shrewdness in cultivating abilities. In not all that long time he started to be well known in the network in light of his aptitudes in mingling. Not all that long from that point onward, he turned into the leader of the United States. He saw this extraordinary catastrophe of subjugation and plans to cancel this cataclysm for good. To seek after this individual flexibility, Abraham had experienced a great deal of deterrents from his own family until his own resident in the south. Oh dear, not all that long a common war broke out between the north and the south. In any case, the great consistently wins; Abraham with the North successes the Civil War by discretion. What's more, in this way the time of remaking started. Tragically Abraham was executed by a professional killer in April 14, 1865; Lincoln was slaughtered at Ford’s Theater in Washington by John Wilkes Booth. This story has enormously depicted to us the significance of human requirement for network and individual flexibility. Taking everything into account, these two stories, My Singular Irene and A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, enlighten us regarding the significance of individual flexibility and need of association with others. They additionally let us know, regardless of how hard human is pushed to relinquished their individual flexibility; human consistently develops to battle their approach to acquire opportunity despite the fact that they need to risk their lives to accomplish their objective, individual flexibility. The most effective method to refer to English 2 †Literary Response, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Closing Paragraph in Career Goal Essay Samples

Closing Paragraph in Career Goal Essay SamplesIn many of the career goal essay samples that you'll find, you'll find a closing paragraph. You might ask why, or what it means. Here are some reasons.First, when you're writing the final paragraphs of your essays, you need to get it over with so that you can move on to the next idea. After that, you have to make it clear that there is an end, that you want the reader to see that you are finished and you don't want them to be confused about anything. If you continue with too much confusion, they will lose interest and drop your essay. In many cases, people just lose interest after they see the conclusion of your career goal essay and they think that you have reached your goals.Another reason for the closing paragraph is that you want to close the gap between what you've written and what you wanted the reader to know. When you read a paragraph that is just opening up and throwing facts out there, you don't want to find out too late that yo u wrote something that's not accurate. If you try to continue that way, you won't be able to get the job or you won't get the graduate degree that you really wanted.A closing paragraph will also help you focus on one topic. Instead of going off on another topic, you will now focus on what you want to say. The closing paragraph will ensure that your essay is clear and concise.Finally, the closing paragraph is really a way to move on to the next idea. The last thing you want to do is to keep repeating yourself. You need to focus on a topic so that the essay flows properly. Keep in mind that you're reading for the reader and not yourself so you need to be honest with your own self so that the readers know that you are serious about what you are saying.Whether or not you decide to use the closing paragraph, you will still need to come up with your own. Start by writing a title for your closing paragraph. This is the area that will make or break your essay.After that, make sure you descr ibe in your closing paragraph the main points you want to make about the topic you've chosen and then go into more detail about the details of the topic. Just remember that the ending of your essay should be very powerful, so make sure you choose a strong topic and title to focus on.The closing paragraph in career goal essay samples is important. You want to be sure that it has impact. Remember that the last thing you want to do is to write an essay that is confusing and without substance.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Terrorism and its effects on children Essay - 1292 Words

In this study the question that was being tested was, does terrorism affect the way that school-age children identify the facial expressions that are being displayed by those around them. The variable in this experiment was whether or not the participant had been through a specific terrorist attack. The working hypothesis was that children who went through a traumatic experience, such as a terrorist attack, would be unable to identify various expressions of facial emotion. The introduction to this experiment was very intriguing. â€Å"On September 1, 2004, armed multinational terrorists (Chechens, Ingush) took hostage about 1,200 children and adults in School Number 1 in the Russian town of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania). The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Moreover, school-aged children can develop negative reactions (D. Phillips, Prince, Schiebelhut, 2004) and high rates of PTSD (Pfefferbaum et al., 1999) even after a short event and despite not being directly exp osed to it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Scrimin, et al., 2009). There have not, though, been any studies done on the ability of a child to recognize the facial expressions after a terrorism-induced trauma. The subjects were 101 children who were there the day the school was under siege and 102 children who were not there due to absence or tardiness. The groups were from the same area, had similar backgrounds, and there was no discernible difference between the two groups. The procedures used were very complex and quite simple at the same time. Children were recruited for this particular study 20 months after the school hostage situation. The trials took one month to complete. There were trained and certified psychologists and professional translators on staff at all times. Everyone at the school who needed to be was notified and gave consent. The parents also gave consent for their children to take part in the study. There were three trials that were given to each participant. Before these trials began the experimenter asked questions that got the participants involved with the thought of emotions and feelings. The participants were also told that they could leave at any point in time and that they did not need to participate at all if they did not feelShow MoreRelatedEssay on History of Terrorism1536 Words   |  7 PagesWe define terrorism as using force to influence or change a political decision. Given that there may be an array of situations the U.S. government and the American people are faced with on a daily basis, most would probably agree in saying that terrorism is the most imperative issue we are not only becoming victims to, but are interminably asked to deal with as well as finding a solution for. The history of terrorism can be traced back as far as the French revolution. Some of these acts of terrorismRead MoreSocial Media Effects Terrorism : Terrorism1205 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Media Effects Terrorism What is cyber terrorism exactly? Cyber terrorism is known for â€Å"an electronic terrorism or information wars, can be defined as any act of Internet terrorism which includes deliberate and large-scale attacks and disruptions of computer networks using computer viruses, or physical attacks using malware, to attack individuals, governments, and organizations† (Paul Curran). Terrorist have gotten a lot clever and started using social media to alert, recruit, and scare theRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder1365 Words   |  5 Pagesover 3,000 people. The victims were innocent men, women, children, and also people from all different ethnic backgrounds. Who are we, the community to blame responsible for these terrorist attacks? Throughout the years passing by 911 had important factors of change socially, economically and personally. What is terrorism? Not only U.S faces terrorism attacks. Most governments all over the world have been challenged by the issue. . Terrorism can be described as violence by a group of people or certainRead MoreWestern Media And Its Coverage Of Terrorism1155 Words   |  5 PagesEarth. This is the same principle that follows Western media and their coverage of terrorism. The U.S. media continues to remain loyal to a deceitful standard of terrorism, presenting the entire country with an invalid perception of terrorism in the Middle East. This coverage reaches all demographics nation wide and raises a misguided population. America is a democratic society where the power is vested in it’s people. It is imperative that we educate our nation to be globally contestant andRead MoreEssay about Unit 8 – Impact of War, Conflict Terrorism on the UPS974 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Unit 8 – Impact of War, Conflict Terrorism on the UPS D1 – Evaluate the impact of war, conflict and terrorism on one UK Public Service For this assignment I have decided to specifically look at how the British Army are affected. WAR If there is a war and NATO decides that the UK needs to provide direct military action then the British Army will have to be prepared. War affects the army as an organisation because it means they will lose soldiers and have to retrain new ones. An exampleRead MoreSummary Of The By Lauren Wolfe927 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Eugenie is 20 but is shy like a much younger girl—she giggles when you ask whether she wants to get married. Maybe it’s because she’s the youngest of nine children and lives at home in North Kivu, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, with her parents.† In Lauren Wolfe’s interview with Eugenie about her experience with violence in Congo, she says that: Men in civilian clothes forced their way into her home three years ago and â€Å"attacked [her] family.† Maybe they were bandits, she says she thoughtRead MoreThe Russian Revolution Of 19171294 Words   |  6 PagesRussia 1917, harsh working conditions, famine, and all power to one leader. Russia was living in discord presumably through political oppression, furthermore, political oppression inspires violence and terrorism. It affects daily residents because they’re under control of whoever is in charge. Terrorism tears people apart. The Russian Revolution in 1917 started because of the political oppression and ended in a dictatorship because humans are power hungry. It also continues to leave citizens with anxietyRead MoreFazal Ihsan Pattathil. Mrs. Ramsey. English I. 05 May 2017.1231 Words   |  5 PagesIhsan Pattathil Mrs. Ramsey English I 05 May 2017 Feminist Movement Pros/Cons In the 1960’s women in America were expected to marry in their early 20’s and start a family. Back then not many women worked, most stayed at home and took care of the children. Now, in the year 2017, women have equal rights to men and are now a very important part of the workforce. Although the Feminist movement is giving women equal treatment to men there are also feminists who believe that women should be indistinguishableRead MoreThe State Terror in Taiwan1566 Words   |  6 Pages The term terrorism is generally linked with images from September 11 and other attacks targeted on innocent civilians done by terrorist individuals and sub-sate group to influence state’s policy nowadays. Terrorists are portrayed as evil and unlawful while states represent the justice and legitimate side that against it. According to Jackson(2011: , more than 80 percent of the academic articles are dealing with non-state terrorism. However, as described by Jackson(2011: 228-9 in Jackson, R., MurphyRead MoreMarriage Practices And Beliefs Have Changed Tremendously1738 Words   |  7 PagesMarriage is defiantly viewed differently depending on where you live and differs all over the entire world. In this research paper you will hear about marriage practices all over the world along with some of the unimaginable things such as suicide terrorism. Today, tradition is something of the old. It is always evolving with the times and changes in the world. Marriage practices have changed tremendously. When it comes to marriage, all cultures respect and honors its own marriage practice. In today

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Tale Of Frankenstein By Mary Shelley - 1478 Words

Although humans have the tendency to set idealistic goals to better future generations, often the results can prove disastrous, even deadly. The tale of Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, focuses on the outcome of one man s idealistic motives and desires of dabbling with nature, which result in the creation of horrific creature. Victor Frankenstein was not doomed to failure from his initial desire to overstep the natural bounds of human knowledge. Rather, it was his poor parenting of his progeny that lead to his creation s thirst for the vindication of his unjust life. In his idealism, Victor is blinded, and so the creation accuses him for delivering him into a world where he could not ever be entirely received by the people who inhabit it. Not only failing to foresee his faulty idealism, nearing the end of the tale, he embarks upon a final journey, consciously choosing to pursue his creation in vengeance, while admitting he himself that it may result in his own doom. The creation of an unloved being and the quest for the elixir of life holds Victor Frankenstein more accountable for his own death than the creation himself. Delivered into the world, full grown and without a guardian to teach him the ways of the human world, the creation discovers that he is alone, but not without resource. He attempts to communicate to his creator; however, he is incapable of speech. As Frankenstein recounts the situation, he says, I beheld the wretch the miserable monster whom I had created.Show MoreRelatedFrankenstein by Mary Shelley1093 Words   |  4 Pagesfaster than man can contend with. That argument is the premises, moral, and plot base for Mary Shelleys tale Frankenstein. On the other hand, J. Michael Bishops, essay Enemies of Promise   on the other hand promotes and boast sciences achievements. However, Mary Shelley presents her point of view subtly yet very dramatically, which is much more effective than that of J. Michael Bishop. The dramatic story Shelley creates becomes a part of the reader, therefore holding the readers attention. ShelleysRead MoreVictor Frankenstein: Epic Hero Essay1093 Words   |  5 Pages the zombie era is truly coming to life, and it is easy to figure out where this idea originated. The historic book Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley describes a man who creates a creature out of dead body parts of humans. Although this monster was meant for good purposes, it eventually leads to destruction including multiple murders. However, Victor Frankenstein can actually be determined as a hero by the ways in which he fits within the interpretation of an epic hero. GregoryRead MoreFrankenstein: Technology1728 Words   |  7 PagesFrankenstein: Technology In Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, written in the late nineteenth century by Mary Shelley, Shelley proposes that knowledge and its effects can be dangerous to individuals and all of humanity. Frankenstein was one of our first and still is one of our best cautionary tales about scientific research.. Shelleys novel is a metaphor of the problems technology is causing today. Learn from me. . . at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledgeRead MoreThe Consequences Of Technology On Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Essay1703 Words   |  7 PagesThe Consequences of Technology Revealed in Shelley s Frankenstein In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, written in the late nineteenth century, the author proposes that knowledge and technology can be dangerous to individuals and all of humanity. Frankenstein was one of the first cautionary tales about scientific research. Shelley s novel offers profound insight of the consequences of morally insensitive scientific and technological research. Learn from me. . . at least by my exampleRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1028 Words   |  5 PagesFrankenstein thinks that everything is alright now, but Elizabeth has a premonition that the monster will return, and she warns her fiancà © that she fears some harm is going to befall him. At the same time, during the entire village’s celebration, the father of the dead girl carries her lifeless body though the streets for all to see. The shock crowd stops its celebration, stunned and outraged over the death of Maria, and they demand justice from The Burgomaster (mayor) and local police. By nightfallRead MoreMary Shelley s Modern Prometheus1365 Words   |  6 PagesFrankenstein was Mary Shelley’s modern Prometheus, a literary form of the forbidden flame bestowed upon the human race – the science of electricity. Yet, the story of Victor Frankenstein’s creature is not one strictly of science, or of a caution against it, or of a vendetta ag ainst the popular Calvinist belief of predestination. What Victor Frankenstein, and Mary Shelley, created for the world was a story of how far a man dared go with the forbidden flame – greater natural knowledge – that was spreadingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Frankenstein And The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner 1131 Words   |  5 PagesElements in Frankenstein and The Rime of The Ancient Mariner Henry Wadsworth once said: â€Å"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.† Such untold sorrows are what plague two very distinct characters in two very distinct works of literature. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein tells of Victor Frankenstein’s torment as he is plagued by his creation; Samuel Coleridge’s The Rime of The Ancient Mariner is the sinister tale told by a marinerRead More Significance of Chapter 5 in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay1212 Words   |  5 PagesComment on Chapter 5’s significance in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Famous writer, Mary Shelley was born in London in 1797. She was the daughter of writer William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. Shelley’s mother sadly died while giving birth to her. This was an influence included in the later successful novel ‘Frankenstein’. At 19, she married poet Percy Shelley, who she married in 1816. Together, Mary and Percy had five children, but only one survived past childhood. This tragedy, alongRead MoreMary Shelleys Life Of Literature Essay1407 Words   |  6 Pagestrampled on (SparkNote on Frankenstein). This famous quote said by Frankenstein, in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, which leaves a lasting impression on the reader was intended by Shelley. Literature was a major part of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelleys childhood and adulthood. Mary Shelleys parents brought literature to her from the day she was born. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, as she was named at birth, was born to two intellectual rebels of their day, William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft, on AugustRead MoreEssay on Comparison: Frankenstein The Rime of the Ancient Mariner1680 Words   |  7 Pagesemotional and the personal in reaction to classical values of order and objectivity. English poets like William Blake or Percy Bysshe Shelley seen themselves with the capacity of not only write about usual life, but also of man’s ultimate fate in an uncertain world. Furthermore, they all declared their belief in the natural goodness of man and his future. Mary Shelley is a good example, since she questioned the redemption through the union of the human consciousness with the supernatural. Even though

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Influence Of Income On Health - 852 Words

Did you know that the income of a person has little effect on his or her health? As Marmot explains in his scholarly article, â€Å"The Influence of Income on Health: Views of An Epidemiologist,† health is not greatly affected by the income of an individual, but rather the kind of community and the environment he or she lives in. He explains and provides statistics on many distinct perspectives on how people may think that income influences health, including ignorance versus poor conditions, poverty and health relationship, and poverty and inequality. Marmot believes that there are two sides to the argument on how Income influences health. Many may argue that no matter what your income is, if you have clean water to drink and a clean place to live in and proper nutrition, then once the water is clean, having a high or low income won’t make any differences. On the other hand, he explains how poverty influences health and provides the readers with facts and statistic to s upport his claims. Moreover, Glazer, in her article â€Å"Wealth and Inequality† examines a difference point of view on the same topic that Marmo dealt with. Glazer states the liberals and conservatives view points on inequality. She explains how the conservatives believe that we should not tax the rich people more because they are the ones who create jobs for the middle class, whereas the liberals believe that the new era that is emerging is the new Gilded Age. Marmot’s scholarly article is examining the ideas thatShow MoreRelatedDeterminants Of Health And Health Of Canada Essay1394 Words   |  6 PagesDeterminants of health are specific categories in a person s life which impact their mental and physical health. Brought into light by a report produced for the Government of Canada by the minister of national health and welfare Marc Lalonde in 1974 titled A new perspective on the health of Canadians Ottawa. The report sought to move healthcare in Canada from a pure ly physiological process into one which included preventative measures from environment and lifestyle. This behavioural approach wasRead MoreEffects Of Obesity And The Media1396 Words   |  6 Pagesobtain a lower-income cannot afford to be included in physical activity. Depending on the environment, some neighbourhoods do not have many parks or community centre that are available, and this can lead to â€Å"many teens with activity limitations may be unable to engage in a healthy, active life-style, increasing the chances of being overweight relative to their peers† (Burton, P., Phipps, S., 2010 pg. 4). Also, eating a healthy balanced meal can also be difficult for lower-income families seeingRead MoreSocial Determinants Of Health And Health1170 Words   |  5 Pagesdeterminants of health are social, economic and physical factors that affect the health of individuals in any given population. There are fourteen social determinants of health but Income is perhaps the most i mportant of these because it shapes living conditions, influences health related behaviors, and determines food security. In Canada, people with lower incomes are more susceptible to disease/ conditions, higher mortality rate, decreased life expectancy and poorer perceived health than people withRead MoreThe Impact Of Health On A Persons Income1169 Words   |  5 PagesThe impact of health on wage is widely examined by scholars. Most scholars conclude that poor health has negative impact on a person’s income, even though they use different method to test the relationship. Some scholars use the variable which represents health as exogenous variable, but some use it as endogenous variable. In this project, I use self-reported health as an explanatory variable and exploit what is the impact of self-reported health on a person’s income by using multiple regressionRead MorePublic Policy Of Globalization On Canada Essay1692 Words   |  7 Pagesworking conditions which shape health. The social determinants of heath shape material, psychosocial, and behavioral routes. However, stages of life like, genetics, early life, and cultural factors are some components that influence health. The Canadian welfare state shape public policies enhance the social determinants in Canada and the low quality and the inequitably distributed throughout the nation. There are several different factors that revolve around inequality health policy disputes that needsRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Obesity1612 Words   |  7 Pageshave had relationships with childhood obesity. The study looked at how schools are separated by certain demographics that include race and average household income (Miyazaki Stack, 2015). The study went on to state that the higher the socioeconomic (SES) status; which was then defined as parent education level, occupation, and household income, related to a lower BMI (Miyazaki Stack, 2015). This would then insinuate that uncontrollable factors such as SES in relation to BMI described in this studyRead MoreHousehold Income By Federal Poverty Level Essay921 Words   |  4 PagesStatistics in Health Science IV: Household income by federal poverty level DV: Being overweight or obese Faculty: Dr. Shana Alex Charles Fall Semester 2015 December 17, 2015 2) Interpretation of your results. a) With reference to my midterm research study, I will be using the updated 2011/12 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) for adolescents (ages 12-17). My research question is how is being overweight or obese associated with the household income by federalRead MoreThe Consequences And Risk Factors Of Child Abuse And Neglect930 Words   |  4 Pageschild maltreatment children from low-income families and poor family structures such as living in a one-parent household are more prone to abuse. Abused children experience many mental health problems such as severe depression and anxiety. However, do these mental health issues express themselves to the same degree in different ethnicities? Literature Review Berger (2004) was interested in looking to see if family incomes as well as family structure had any influence on child neglect. The data was gatheredRead MoreEssay about Hcs 235 Health Care Utilization Option 11347 Words   |  6 PagesHealth Care Utilization Option 1 University of Phoenix Health Care Delivery in the United States HCS 235 January 13, 2013 Health Care Utilization Option 1 Introduction Health care reform in the United States is a hot topic and the source of legislation meant to make health care obtainable to Americans. Recent presidential elections have been platforms used to promote health care reform yet no one can agree on what the resolution will be. This paper will discuss ways recent health careRead MoreRelationship Between Health And Income1243 Words   |  5 Pagesall have positive effects on ln(income). The variable Black is also statistically significant at 5% significance level, but the effect of this variable is negative. In terms of my interest, even though self-reported health has positive relationship with ln(income) and people who have good self-reported heath tend to earn 17.06% higher, the coefficient is statistically insignificant. Hence the null hypothesis which states that the relationship between health and income is not significant cannot be rejected

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Academy of Marketing Science Plan

Question: Discuss about the Academy of Marketing Science Plan. Answer: Introduction: Houzit is the organization selected for this report. Houzit primarily deals in house ware products such as bedroom furnishings, bathroom fittings, mirrors, lighting fixtures and decorative outcomes. The business structure is formed of a chain of house ware stores and the stores of Houzit are administered with the supervision of headquarters of the organization. The stores of Houzit are in Brisbane and the organizations headquarters are in Milton (Calvert, 2013). Five years have been concluded in the operations of Houzit which reflects on the increasing scope for business growth. The following marketing plan is intended to achieve a formidable retail presence of the organization all over Australia SWOT analysis: Prior to formulation of a marketing plan, the necessity of a micro environmental analysis is observed in case of Houzit. The lucid interpretation of SWOT would provide viable options for accomplishing marketing plan objectives. Strengths Weaknesses Existing loyal customer base of 10,000 Unique items which are superior in quality to mass-produced house ware Appeasing store designs Flexible payment plans Houzit faces troubles in catering the long term payment plans Limited marketing budget Opportunities Threats The prospects for increasing loyal customer base with the help of loyalty programs for first time customers Increasing preferences of customers for high-quality products The provision of long term flexible payment plans could increase association of customers for longer periods of time Limited budget for marketing strategy Increasing competition from local independent retailers and national chains of house ware products Depression in economy could lead to reduction in disposable income of customers thereby leading to minimal expenditures in house ware purchases Marketing objectives: The short term goals of Houzit include establishment of brand recognition and increasing the loyalty customers from 10,000 to 15,000. The long term goals could be specified as increasing the retail presence of the organization in all Australian capital cities and increase the annual sales of the organization from $15 million to $20 million within the period of three years (Good Hassay, 2015). The marketing opportunities which could be apprehended by Houzit include mobility business and provision of unique products. The prospects for development of mobile businesses are directed towards creation of mobile apps, websites and desktop applications and web pages. Some critical gaps which could be noticed in the case of this marketing opportunity refer to lack of online presence of Houzit and limited options for generating business from online sources (Krpti, 2013). The other opportunity which could be considered in case of Houzit refers to the provision of unique products as compared to those provided by competitors (Lewis Ling, 2015). The target market for Houzit could be observed in the people concerned for maintaining their house, aged within 20 to 50 years, customers requiring feasible payment plans, home builders and renovators (McDonald Wilson, 2016). They are most likely to buy products from Houzit due to distinct advantages such as payment flexibility and choice of first time customers for decorative items and mirrors which also involves benefits of loyalty program to customers. Marketing strategy: The marketing strategy of Houzit is inclined towards the prominent elements of quality, selection and unique items. Increasing the number of stores from 15 to 100 all over Australia is a profound strategic initiative of Houzit which could support its marketing strategy. The formulation of a marketing strategy could be enhanced with the help of marketing objectives such as increasing market shares and sales. The strategies which could be implemented in such scenario refer to the marketing mix strategy which could address compatibility with objectives, capabilities and organizational resources (Meredith Meredith, 2016). The marketing mix strategy for Houzit comprises of product, place, price and promotion. The product quality of Houzit provides competitive advantage over products from rivals which are notable elements in the marketing mix to attract customers (Bingham, 2015). The place aspect in the marketing strategy of Houzit refers to the appeasing stores as well as the preferences for increasing mobile based service provision facilities. Price of the products provided by Houzit is accountable for influence by the long term payment plans offered by the company to its customers. Promotion of the organization has to be improvised with the inclusion of online promotion of the brand (Lewis, 2013). The products of Houzit fit among the market segment comprising of homemakers, renovators, builders. The products could be considered as the budget category. As compared to competitors, the products of Houzit are unique and depict considerable superiority than the mass-produced goods of competitors. Implementation: The marketing activities such as magazine advertising, in-store promotions, and advertising visuals and public relations strategies are included in Houzits marketing plan. Web based promotion of the mirrors and bathroom fittings alongside realization of season based demands would be the profound marketing activities for the organization. Costing of the strategy would be based on the niche marketing strategies preferred by the organization. The different performance indicators which could be noticed in case of Houzits marketing plan are marketing cost for customer acquisition and the market share of the organization (McDonald Wilson, 2016). The prominent accountabilities and responsibilities which are observed in the organization refer to the position of marketing manager, search engine optimization personnel, webpage designers and PR as well as advertising personnel. Furthermore, independent consultants have to fulfil the responsibilities of marketing research and audits. The processes which are prominently associated with the performance and monitoring activities refer to goal setting, feedback, incentives and collaboration (Meredith Meredith, 2016). Establishment of precise goals would enable the employees to accomplish objectives without altering productivity in workplace. Feedback and collaboration are necessary for engagement of employees in the marketing plan activities. References Bingham, F. G. (2015). An Enrollment Marketing Plan for Institutions of Higher Learning. In Proceedings of the 1987 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 402-407). Springer International Publishing. Calvert, P. 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