Sunday, February 23, 2020

Teamwork - Collaboration vs. Competition in Business is similiar in Essay

Teamwork - Collaboration vs. Competition in Business is similiar in sports - Essay Example Sports is leisure, a mode of entertainment, it can be for entertainment or hobby while business for most of us is for living. Varieties are available in both the activities. Business can be of varying size following different industrial rules and sports are also from individual entrepreneur to large organizations. If a sport where team performance is involved is compared with an organization or a unit of organization some very important features are as follows: The common goal of winning is important for the collaborative efforts. Certain level of competition will be always there within an organization or team among the players to prove one better than the other. It becomes the responsibility of the leader or the head to direct them according to vision and goals and take out best from them. Team work is a collaborative effort of the members of team towards a well defined goal. Maxwell has given The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork. These laws are very significant and cover almost all the activity or action of any team. This law explains the need of collaborative efforts to achieve any goal. In a business where various departments and people from diverse fields and areas are recruited to achieve goals of profits, not single operations or marketing department will be achieve goals of profit alone. Marketing people make promises for what to be delivered and the operations people deliver these promises. This is a broad example of business. To achieve greatness the strength will come from being together. In this condition the significance of a single member is in the team not alone. Within a team with collaborative efforts the individual may contribute achieving the same goal which he would have never been achieved alone. When an individual works in a team he looks at the bigger picture of the performance. This picture is presented to him by the team leader of the team. The most important thing for the members becomes Goal

Friday, February 7, 2020

Theater 1&2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theater 1 - Essay Example As for the developing plot point, it is important to mention that all significant events in the story are happened because of mistaken situations that are weaved through the entire story. Shakespeare’s characters usually muddle up the twins in the play. â€Å"Comedy of errors† deals with two pairs of twins that are children of merchant and servant accordingly (Shakespeare). It is worse to mention that all fallacious situations occur without somebody’s desired intentions. This has been fortuitous proceedings and no one is guilty in such mistakes. Moreover, such confusing situations bring comedy in this play. The readers may feel sarcastic mood and acrimonious implications because of these somehow ridiculous faults. It is clear that number of errors absolutely ad constantly built the story. The intention to show a modern pop version of Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello† to prisoners remains to be a great idea. This play relates to a big number of significant moral and social problems that are relevant to the people in prison. As the creative producer of the show Rick Boynton mentions â€Å"it is a tragic story when jealousy overcomes your reasons, and someone’s influence on you is more important than your own believes†. It is clear that such influence is not always positive what leads to unpleasant implications. Anyway, this story gives an appropriate chance for the prisoners to mull over their problems and to make some conclusions. Besides, such event is considered to a pleasant entertainment for the people in prison that diversify their life and create some memorable moments in their life behind bars. That is a big social deal that includes positive implications to the life of criminals. Given video represents the stills where the prisoners are transformed into actors. These people have made terrible crimes and they have been punished for that. Time in prison remains to be a recovery period for them. Shakespeare’s plays are a